P-06-1382 Ban Balloon Releases - Correspondence from the petitioner to the Committee, 17 January 2024


Good afternoon,


In response to the attached document I have to disagree with points raised.


I am aware that balloon releases are sensitive and are generally held to commemorate people. However, this does not justify the harm they cause. There are many alternatives including lighting candles. When people can receive fines for feeding pigeons on the street as this could be classed as littering then it is absurd that hundreds of balloons can be released on a single occasion. 


Balloon releases seem to be gathering momentum at a time when the impact of such events is being realised. Many people in the general public do not agree with such releases and there needs to be a cultural change. 


It takes bravery to make changes but in recent years Wales has seemed to be very forward thinking in terms of animal welfare and the environment. Balloon releases do not benefit anyone and contradict this progress.


Many thanks for considering the petition.


Yours sincerely,